Dear friends in Christ,
The celebration of Trinity Sunday is most particular, intentionally and specifically recognizing and contemplating the great mystery of the Trinity, three persons in one Most Holy God. As religious sisters we are consecrated to God through vows that last for all eternity, and thus our lives are to reflect a continual celebration of this mystery. It is a very special and significant experience of the bond of love. We are considered as ‘spouses of Christ,’ Who lifts us to the Father’s Heart, through the inspiration and action of the Holy Spirit.
Much of our time in religious life is given to prayer where we lift our minds and hearts to God, entering ever more deeply into closer union with our Beloved. We all want to spend time with those we love, most especially our spouses. It is how we draw closer to one another.
The day of a religious is governed by our “Horarium,” our way, or schedule, of prayer. It offers a peaceful and life-giving rhythm, especially in contrast to the noise and busyness that surrounds us. It is important for everyone to set aside time to be with our Beloved Triune God, getting to know each person, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is easy to establish a Horarium for yourselves and your families. Begin simply and add on as you start to develop a rhythm. Below is a general sample of ours.
· 6:00-8:00 Angelus, Divine Office of Readings, Holy Hour, Lauds (Morning Prayer)
· 8:30 Holy Mass (silent prayer 15 minutes before and after)
· 11:30- 11:50 Spiritual reading
· 11:50- 12:15 Angelus, Sext (Noon Prayer), Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Stations of Cross-Friday
· 4:00 -5:15 Holy Hour, Rosary, Angelus, Vespers (Evening Prayer)
· 7:50 PM Compline (Night Prayer) (Silence until breakfast )
· 30-60 minutes Scripture reading daily
Our prayer today: “Dear Father, help me to know You. Dear Lord Jesus, help me to know You. Dear Holy Spirit, help me to know You.” Ask, and then quietly listen as each person of the Trinity makes Himself known to you.
In amore Iesu Christi,
Reverend Mother Mary Paul, SDG
