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Renewal of our Minds, Part 2


Dear Friends in Christ,


I wrote recently of turning from negative thoughts to the goodness of God. I suspect that the determination and perseverance required became obvious to all who took this challenge to heart. Renewal is truly an ongoing and difficult work!


Another struggle within our minds is in regard to truth.  We all seek it, but as we look around, we are continually faced with the lack of it, leaving us confused and fearful.   Fear, like negativity, is a powerful source of distortion which opens the door to the influence of the evil one and seems to have gripped our culture.  “Do not fear” is mentioned 365 times in the Bible, once for each day. Why?


Fear distorts our thinking: we fear the negative thoughts of others toward us, of suffering consequences for our actions, of not getting what we want, or of being a failure.  Fear distorts truth and adds to the swirling confusion around us.  In 5th grade Sr. Anita asked, “Do you think the Immaculate Conception is true?”  I raised my hand and when called upon responded, “Truth is truth and will remain so regardless of what I think about it."  This simple proclamation should propel us all forward to seek and find truth both in ourselves and in the surrounding world. Truth is not synonymous with our personal thoughts and opinions. 


Jesus declared Himself to BE truth (Jn 14:6), and that this truth would set us free (Jn 8:31-32). How free are we?... How bound are we by our own fears, desires, needs, and opinions? To seek the Truth (Jesus), to speak the Truth (Jesus) in love without fear (1 Jn 4:18)…this is renewal of the mind in Christ. Let us go forward in Truth and turn from the fears that distort and bind the effects of His Divine Grace in our lives.



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